
This cleverly designed, self-contained sensor produces excellent results and will appeal to the Biologist and Chemist. Any reaction that causes a change in opacity, or gives a colour change can be used to study rates of reaction.

Ideal for teaching the characteristics of enzyme kinetics and chemical rates of reaction.

The sensor’s thick, black casing ensures that colorimetric results are not affected by ambient light.

It is supplied with four 35 mm slides (red, orange, blue and green) that produce light of a specific and consistent wavelength, and a pack of cuvettes with lids.


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Empowering educators worldwide, from schools and libraries to renowned institutes.

The future of education is here, and it fits right in the palm of your hand. Give your students the gift of engaging, interactive, and collaborative learning experiences with our SmartSchool Systems Microscope solutions. 


Colorimeter Investigations with Dataloggers CLICK HERE for Sample

High School Chemistry Investigation with Dataloggers CLICK HERE for Sample

High School Biology Investigation with Dataloggers CLICK HERE for Sample


  • Enzyme concentration versus rates of protein, starch and fat breakdown
  • Enzyme inhibition
  • Lambert Beers law
  • Acidic breakdown of sodium thiosulphate
  • Quantitative analysis of sugar

The Colorimeter is designed to measure the amount of light penetrating a solution. Transmittance (%T) is the amount of light being received, referenced to light sent. Absorbance (Abs) is the amount of light absorbed by the solution.

A white LED is used as the source of illumination, thus it does not heat the solution being studied, giving better control when rate reactions are being studied.

The Colorimeter & Turbidity sensor measures the amount of light penetrating a solution so can be used for investigations which result in a change of colour or opacity.

The Colorimeter & Turbidity sensor comes complete with a pack of 3 adaptors for attaching Cuvettes, Test & Boiling Tubes.

5 Colorimeter wavelengths470 nm, 520 nm, 573 nm, 625 nm, 660 nm, 850 nm IR for Turbidity

Works with the following Dataloggers:

VHub4 and VHub8