Classroom Microscope Camera

Do you want your students to find the STEM curriculum more interesting, real and practicable? You can change your students’ learning attitude towards science, technology, engineering, and mathematics by introducing the SmartMicroScope 5m into the learning procedures.

SmartMicroScope 5M is a handheld digital microscope that is designed to increase the students’ imaginary power when looking at the object under the microscope. It’s a digital microscope that is easy to set up and use to make STEM classes interesting for students. If your students find STEM curriculum boring and with little or no light of interest. Then, let them have a look at some microscopic objects using the SmartMicroScope 5M digital microscope. They will love the digital handheld microscope and honestly, they will love to come back to the STEM laboratory.


2 of the Best Classroom Microscope Camera Options

SmartMicroScope 5M

The SmartMicroScope 5M is:

  • Simple to Learn
  • Easy To Use
  • Versatile – can view things you can’t on a traditional microscope
  • Students Are Excited to Explore

No Software Install Required for:

  1. PC
  2. MAC
  3. Chromebook

Cloud-based software – simply go to the website and log in.

Teaching Materials Included:

  • Elementary Science Investigations
  • Middle School Science Investigations
  • High School Biology Investigations


Teaching Materials:

  • 5E Investigative Model
  • Aligned to the NGSS
  • Aligned to many state Science Education Standards

SmartMicroScope Optix

The SmartMicroScope Optix is a camera that attaches to your compound microscope:

  • Simply replace the eyepiece with the Optix
  • Project for all to see
  • Share the live image with virtual learners
  • 3 Adapters to fit virtually all light microscopes

No Software Install Required for:

  1. PC
  2. MAC
  3. Chromebook

Cloud-based software – simply go to the website and log in.

How the SmartMicroScope 5M Works

  1. Live microscopic images can be magnified 10-200X
  2. Images appear crystal clear with 2592 x 1944 pixels at a single click
  3. Instant recording of high quality images
  4. Magnified images can be projected on a whiteboard by connecting SmartMicroScope 5M to PC, Mac or Chromebook computer
  5. Instant use after pairing with pc, mac or chrome book with no app installation

5 Ways the SmarMicroScope 5M digital handheld microscope can change students educational experiences

  1. The increased visual learning experience for students – Students tend to enjoy, understand and remember what they see than what is being heard or read. The visual usage of SmartMicroScope 5M digital microscope makes it one of the best tools for teaching aid in a STEM laboratory.
  2. SmartMicroScope 5M can be paired with PC, Mac, or Chromebook computer and then projected on a whiteboard. This makes it easy for all the students in the class to view the magnified image all at once on an enlarged surface. Students will, therefore, find the learning activity interesting and understanding.
  3. It saves learning time and keeps the students engaged – Since the digital microscope allows the magnified objects to be projects on a whiteboard, it saves the time in which the students will be used to take turns for viewing the image through a tiny lens on the microscope. The students won’t have to get bored by sitting down and inactive while the teacher explains the magnified objects to each student. Every member of the class can quickly and perfectly talk about what they have seen about the magnified image. Hence, aiding real-time discussion instead of traditional memorization
  4. Instant recording, view, comparison of images – Students can instantly record every noticeable physical feature of the actual image using the magnified image. They can also make instant video recording and a side-by-side comparison to show virtual contrast between objects under the digital microscope using the magnified images.
  5. An instant online download of science-related materials for further research – SmartMicroScope 5M digital microscope is a cloud-based tool that allows students’ easy access to the web without any installation. Students can easily make further research about various topics by downloading materials from the web. Students can also view live images at the click of a button by login into the website.
  6. Traditionally impossible research ideas are made possible – SmartMicroScope 5M digital microscope can make research ideas which seem impossible under the traditional microscope easy and possible. Advanced science research can be made possible and easy for student as they search the web for information with free digital downloads that meets the national science teaching standards.


Wondering what makes the SmartMicroScope 5M digital microscope different from the traditional microscope? If you have been considering having a microscope that makes science lessons easier and comfortable for your students and one that your students will no longer view images through it with one eye opened. Then you should consider SmartMicroScope 5M digital microscope for chromebooks.

How the SmartMicroScope 5M digital microscope is more versatile than a traditional compound microscope

Wondering why SmartMicroScope 5M digital microscope is worth the effort?

Exceptional features Of SmartMicroScope 5M digital microscope:

  1. Compatible with Chromebook, PC and Mac computers.
  2. Easily controlled 6 LED lights
  3. 10X to 200X image magnification power
  4. 2592 x 1944 pixels to produce high resolution still images
  5. Zoom features for a closer look at images
  6. No installation required. Microscope software.
  7. Real-time side-by-side comparison of images
  8. In-built measurement feature for real-time recording of changes in physical features of the image.
  9. Download and save images directly to google drive
  10. Assessment tools
  11. Annotation tools
  12. Free 3-years single-user license for cloud-based microscope software
  13. Free site license for PC and Mac installed microscope analysis software


5 things that make SmartMicroScope 5M digital microscope a better STEM tool than a traditional microscope

  1. Annotation of images – Students can take Heavy Duty magnified images, record high-resolution videos, take a side-by-side image comparison and record measurement for changes in magnified images.
  2. Instant online sharing and download – Instant online research, download of images and real-time saving of images, videos and relevant information on google drive.
  3. Aided collaborative virtual learning – Students can view the live projected magnified images all at once instead of waiting on a queue to view images through the tiny lens of a traditional microscope with one eye opened.
  4. Real-time class discussion – The students are engaged in a real-time class discussion based on the projected magnified images. This help to improve students’ imaginary power and ability to make decisions based on the observatory features.
  5. Crystal clear magnified images – SmartMicroScope 5M digital microscope is designed with a 6 LED light which easily controlled with a dial on the SmartScope. The 6 LED light makes the object under the SmartMicroScope 5m digital microscope crystal clear.

How to set up and use SmartMicroScope 5M digital microscope with Chromebook

One of the major advantages of SmartMicroScope 5M digital microscope is that it is easy to set up and use with the exceptional NO INSTALLATION REQUIRED feature.

SmartMicroScope 5M usb digital microscope camera is ideal for use with Chromebook computers making it the perfect Chromebook digital microscope for classroom STEM teaching aid tools.

  • Step 1: Open the Chromebook and go to
  • Step 2: connect the SmartMicroScope 5M digital microscope to the Chromebook using a USB cable
  • Step 3: Log in or register at the site using the provided serial number.
  • Step 4: The live images from the SmartMicroScope 5M are displayed on the chromebook.
  • Step 5:  Click the “Help” button to open the quick start guide to learn how to take pictures, record videos, measure and more.

Benefits of the SmartMicroScope Optix Classroom Microscope Camera

  1. Safety – Each student can see the live image without having to touch the microscope that everyone else is touching – In a world of “Close Contacts” this is a tremendous advantage to allow students the visual experience without the risk of infection.
  2. The enhanced visual learning experience  – Students tend to be more engaged and remember what they saw live rather than verbal instructions or even static pictures in a book or online. The visual usage of SmartMicroScope Optix digital microscope makes it one of the best tools for teaching in a science lab.
  3. SmartMicroScope Optix can be paired with PC, Mac, or Chromebook computer and then projected for all to see using a TV, Projector or smartboard. This makes it easy for all the students in the class to view the magnified image all at once. Students will, therefore, find the learning activity interesting.
  4. It saves learning time and keeps the students engaged – Since the usb digital microscope camera allows the magnified objects to be projects on a whiteboard, it saves the time in which the students will be used to take turns for viewing the image through a tiny lens on the microscope. The students won’t have to get bored by sitting down and inactive while the teacher explains the magnified objects to each student. Every member of the class can quickly and perfectly talk about what they have seen about the magnified image. Hence, aiding real-time discussion instead of traditional memorization
  5. Instant recording, view, comparison of images – Students can instantly record every noticeable physical feature of the actual image using the magnified image. They can also make instant video recording and a side-by-side comparison to compare and contrast objects under the digital microscope using the magnified images.
  6. Science Fair Projects and Lab Reports take on new life – SmartMicroScope Optix digital microscope allows students to take pictures and annotate to point out distinctions in new, more effective ways. 

David Walling

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